Friday, October 24, 2008


Here's the thing.


For the most part, I keep opinions to myself. If it's a thought on something I don't know alot about, there is just no reason to spout of a biased theory. For me, this is most topics, like Barak Obama or finding the right amount of space to store a body. I don't know. So I don't express my fairly invalid opinion on such subjects.


If the subject should arrive on theatrical aspects of a given show, you know, just as an example, I know a little bit about theatrical aspects. So I'll have an opinion. If you ask, I will tell you. But be mature enough to understand critisism. You may not agree with what I think, but guess what?! Every individual thinks differently. So don't get all bitchy if someones thoughts aren't identical to yours. Deal and move on.

Over and out.

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