Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween! I'm not really a super fan of the holiday. Bad memories....*shiver.

Anyways, I celebrated All Hallow's Eve with viewing the slaughter of the Persian army.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Take a knee

Dear Block Party chillens.

Whilst you are bringing out audience for them to participate (aka macarena/staying alive/ etc section.) during the parade, try taking a knee. It seems like you are coming level with the kids who are participating (which the company LOVES) and you are actually regaining some strength to R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A.!

Just a thought. Something to try if you'd like.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


You know your day has reached a pinicle of crapiness that has not been previously reached when a massacured, torn-up, bloody gecko falls from the ceiling and lands on your head. To slightly tweak a quote from Angela (on the Office):

Geckos are raining from the ceiling. GECKOS!


Here's the thing. I have a theory.

Everyone is Two-Face.

What I mean, is that every free thinking individual has two people in their DNA (at least). The person they want to be, and the person they truly are. Generally, I feel that the side a person releases to the public is the person they want to be. That may be the more dominant side or they
may just be fighting to make sure they are coming off the right way.


Once you spend time with people, the gloves come off; the truth is essentially unveiled. If you ever say "oh, she is being crazy". That 'crazy' side of said woman, is most likely who she is.

Just be nice. Or at least pretend to.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Here's the thing.


For the most part, I keep opinions to myself. If it's a thought on something I don't know alot about, there is just no reason to spout of a biased theory. For me, this is most topics, like Barak Obama or finding the right amount of space to store a body. I don't know. So I don't express my fairly invalid opinion on such subjects.


If the subject should arrive on theatrical aspects of a given show, you know, just as an example, I know a little bit about theatrical aspects. So I'll have an opinion. If you ask, I will tell you. But be mature enough to understand critisism. You may not agree with what I think, but guess what?! Every individual thinks differently. So don't get all bitchy if someones thoughts aren't identical to yours. Deal and move on.

Over and out.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Big City; Downtown

Here's the thing.

Big cities and Casey do NOT mix.

Remember how awesome Ferris Beuller made the big city sound to Cameron when they took their day off? Lies. Lies and faux positive imagery.

Two days ago, I got pulled over just inside the Epcot cast parking. Yeah, the deuche cop followed me all the way in and waited till the precise moment to flip his siren, to let everyone know that the big, poweful cop found an evil-doer and was now going to thwart said villain with all his mighty power.

The rest of that story is for another time. What you need to know for this story is that he gave me a ticket that I can fix. It's some sort of new fangled policy that if I removed the tinting on my windows (yeah, thats what I got pulled over for. TINTED WINDOWS. What the hell?!) with in a 30 day period, I could go have it inspected at Orange County police headquarters and if the sign off on it, I no longer have to pay the ludicrous fines.

Nutshell: Removed the tining (hours of tedious chizeling with a small razor), time to go to OCPDHQ. Mapquest it. Driving there, instructions literally fly out the window. I try to recreate the directions in my head, fail miserably, waste an hour in a stupid city full of one way streets, scream for 2.5 minutes, then drove home miserable.

So that was my day. How was yours?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm kinda feeling like a Pheonix right now.

The last couple of days have been the most overwhelming...ever. It has been out of control and straight up crazy. Like if Clint Eastwood and Tim Burton made a love-movie, that would be my life as of late. To say I've had a sort of breakdown would be fairly close to the truth.

But today, I have risen from what is now the ashy shambles of my previous self and am starting new, in a sense. Does that make me crazy?